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Dissertations - August 2024

One with the Cloud: Why People Mistake the Internet's Knowledge for Their Own

Ward, Adrian Frank, Harvard University, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Psychology

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Gender socialization in the family

Shearer, Cindy L., The Pennsylvania State University, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Developmental psychology

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Information sharing and collaboration in the United States intelligence community: An ethnographic study of the National Counterterrorism Center

Nolan, Bridget Rose, University of Pennsylvania, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Organizational behavior

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Servant leadership: A theoretical model

Patterson, Kathleen Ann, Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
Subject: Management

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Teacher-Writer Perceptions on the Essence of Writing: Influences, Identity and Habits of Mind to Sustain a Writing Life

Daniels, Shari Lynn, The University of North Dakota, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Teacher education

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Anatolia in the Gap: Phrygia, Lydia, and Orientalizing Reconsidered

Tanaka, Kurtis T., University of Pennsylvania, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Archaeology

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Nothing Left Unfinished: A Transcendental Phenomenology on the Persistence of Black Women in Distance Education Doctoral Programs

Rogers, Sherrita Yolande, Liberty University, 2018, Ed.D.
Subject: Higher education

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The Effects of Unemployment on Black Youth in Gauteng, South Africa

Holmes, Corey W., Howard University, 2019, Ph.D.
Subject: Social research

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Improving decision making in healthcare operations

Dean, Matthew D., University of Connecticut, 2010, Ph.D.
Subject: Management

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HUMPHREYS, ROBERT ALLAN LAUD, Washington University in St. Louis, 1968, Ph.D.
Subject: Individual & family studies

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El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado

Delgado Quinones, Isabel C., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2015, Ed.D.
Subject: Science education

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Teachers' perceptions regarding the use of Google Classroom and Google Docs and their impact on student engagement

Morquin, Demian, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, 2016, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership

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Social Media Technologies' Influence on Adolescent Social/Emotional Development Via Attachment

Davis, Cynthia A., The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2017, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology

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Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults

Solomon, Michelle, William James College, 2016, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology

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Identifying as Husbands, Fathers, and School Leaders: A Phenomenology of Doctoral Persistence Among Limited Residency Students

Patterson, John, Liberty University, 2017, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership

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Mentor and Candidate Attributes That Promote Doctoral Persistence and Postgraduation Scholarship in Limited Residency and Online Doctoral Programs

Spaulding, Maria T., Regent University, 2019, Ph.D.
Subject: Higher education

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Leadership influence on student motivation: A case study of prospective military musicians in training

Sciarini, Michael J., Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
Subject: Music education

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Ngugi wa Thiong'o's drama and the Kamiriithu popular theater experiment

Ndigirigi, Josphat Gichingiri, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998, Ph.D.
Subject: Theater

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Dynamic mode decomposition: Theory and applications

Tu, Jonathan H., Princeton University, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Mechanical engineering

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The Impact of e-Books with Word Highlighting Features on Early Literacy Skills of Emergent Readers

Bell, Carla Anne, Regent University, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Educational technology

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Knowledge of sickle cell trait and disease among African-American college students

Harrison, Sayward E., East Carolina University, 2011, Ph.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology

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"The Classical School, Deterrence Theory, and Zero Tolerance": An analysis of a mandatory zero tolerance sanctioning policy in relation to The Classical School of Criminology and Deterrence Theory

Saeler, Adam, Nova Southeastern University, 2015, Ph.D.
Subject: Criminology

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Therapists' use of reflection of feeling with trauma survivors

Lapin, Joshua S., Pepperdine University, 2016, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology

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A Tale of Two Schools: Principal Practices That Support the Achievement of Low-Income Students in Demographically Diverse Schools

Brown, Goldy, III, The University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2012, Ph.D.
Subject: Educational administration

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The emergence of the dark hero in Scott and Byron: A Darwinian perspective

Jobling, Ian D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002, Ph.D.
Subject: British & Irish literature

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The Developmental Outcomes of Late Preterm Infants

Johnstone, Andrea, Pace University, 2012, Psy.D.
Subject: Developmental psychology

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Essential leadership competencies for U.S. Air Force wing chaplains

Costin, Dondi E., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008, Ph.D.
Subject: Management

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The current state of project risk management practices among risk sensitive project management professionals

Voetsch, Robert James, The George Washington University, 2004, Ph.D.
Subject: Management

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